Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Supreme Court - Blog Post #2

    Before reading about the Supreme Court on the Supreme Court created by the History Channel, I will be honest, I did not know a lot of information about what the Supreme Court really does besides being the highest federal court in the United States of America. The most surprising thing that I learned was that when the court finally had its first meeting on February 2, 1790, they did not hear about any cases. This was surprising because I thought hearing about a case would be the first thing the Supreme Court would do because the job focuses on their jurisdiction over all laws. The most important take-away point about the Supreme Court would be how many important cases they have dealt that have helped form the laws that we follow today. One of the cases that really stood out to me was the Texas V. Johnson case which helped the Supreme Court come to a decision that flag burning and potentially offensive speech is a First Amendment protected right. I know that this must have been an extremely difficult decision for them to make, given the fact that they known they will not be able to please everyone with their final decision, which is why I have so much respect for the Supreme Court Justices.  There are also many loop holes when it comes to determining what should and should not be considered free speech that is protected by the First Amendment such as yelling "bomb!" on a plane or using explicit language in public settings.


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