Monday, May 2, 2022

As I was watching In the Age of AI I learned many valuable lessons to apply to my daily life. The documentary focuses on how the world is changing through all of these new technological advances. Specifically, the technology of artificial intelligence , which refers to systems or machines that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and can improve themselves based on the information they collect. The documentary talked about how China and the United States are in a race to determine who has more control over the development of technology that is shaping their countries. Technology has had a huge impact on our daily lives and affects the way we communicate, learn, work, and more. One of the key takeaways that surprised me the most was the fact that these machines are made to work in our favor and improve society, but in reality artificial intelligence, also known as “AI”,  is really a form of automation. For example, over the last four decades, automation has taken away more jobs from people, leaving a lot of people unemployed. They are basically being replaced by machines because their jobs are being killed. There is now a fear that AI could greatly keep improving and accelerating in their distribution of machines to replace the jobs that initially belonged to the people. This surprised me because I never truly realized how much of an impact these machines had on our daily lives and that they are leaving so many people out of jobs. Although, there are pros in addition to the cons that were previously stated. I believe that one of the pros is that we can depend on technology and machines to do whatever we want, but the con to that is realizing how reliable a machine really is. What if it shuts down, then who is going to do the work. Humans are more reliable because there are so many to choose from. Personally, I think we should focus more on improving our human qualities rather than AI. 

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