Sunday, May 1, 2022

Instagram Through the Lens of the Diffusion Theory - Blog #9

One of the most popular social media apps in the world known as Instagram, was made to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. The app allows their users to post pictures and videos for the world to see. They have access to liking, commenting, and following certain posts and pages. This app has given people the opportunity to express themselves and show their lives through pictures and videos. Instagram was first founded in 2010 and officially launched on October 6, 2010 by creators Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. According to the Diffusion of Innovations Theory created by Everett Rogers, which explains the process of how new ideas and technology spread. Instagram started to gain its popularity when it gained one million users in just two months after the launch date. By June of 2018, they reached ten million users. Instagram was the talk of the town because of their integration with other social sites and open social network. It also became a platform where users could follow their favorite celebrities and create a famous platform of their own by selling products, creating content, and more. The app gained 25,000 users in just one day. Investors also contributed to the rise of Instagram. In February of 2011, they had already received $7 million in a Series A funding round and $25 million from Benchmark Capital. They also attracted the attention of other companies such as Twitter and Facebook. The timing of the apps being launched also worked in favor when the world’s most popular smartphone, the iPhone came out with a brand new camera lens.  There have been so many adopters of this app because it became so popular so fast that everyone had to download it and was one of the most trending applications at the time, and still is today. The app provided a way for their adopters to share their daily lives, communicate with their followers,  and live the life of their “inner photographer”. There are still people today that have not become adopters of the app because of the negativity that surrounds the world of technology and the internet. A few of the downsides of Instagram is the lack of privacy and data that is gathered through the algorithms. Once someone posts a picture, everyone can see it, even if they make their account “private”, it is still out there forever. Studies have also shown that social media apps just like Instagram, have caused depression, body dysmorphia, social anxiety, and self esteem issues. Especially for the younger generations that are growing up with access to technology, the internet, and social media have to face these daily battles against themselves. 

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