Thursday, April 14, 2022

Hidden Voices - Blog Post #5


    In today’s society there seems to be little to no mainstream news that promotes anything related to antiwar. There are so many websites that display news articles that are in favor of anti war that are hidden from the public eye. Websites such as ANTIWAR.COM and the American Conservative are not given the spotlight that they deserve. The people of this country deserve to hear their voices. I believe that websites like this are so hard to find because the media has displayed favor for one side more than the other. Conservatives have especially been painted in a bad light during the many debates of politics. With access to social media, it gives more people the opportunity to use their platforms to share their opinions. If the media is only showing one side as the “better” side, then of course society is going to follow that side because it is “trending” in the news.  It is hard to find websites that contradict what is happening in the media because the media chooses to only show people what they want to hear rather than displaying other opinions and views so that people can choose on their own what they want to actually support and believe in. The media has taken away the opportunity for people to make choices for themselves by hiding other viewpoints that could possibly cause the slightest bit of conflict or debate. It is time to bring websites that share multiple opinions, especially on war, and to finally allow people to be shown different positions so they can make choices on their own rather than following the crowd of only what the government wants to show. 

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