Thursday, March 24, 2022

Eight Values of Free Expression - Blog Post #3


    The Eight Values of Freedom have become a very important aspect in society. When it comes to free speech and expression, which is often protected by the First Amendment, there are values listed that show how and why these rights are so important to Americans. Out of the eight values, the one that resonates with me the most is  the fourth value, Individual Self-Fulfillment, also known as Self-Actualization. According to C. Edwin Baker’s, Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech, the value is described as, “Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity — and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy.” This statement shows how important speech can impact an individual’s character, dignity, and morality. 

The ability to have free speech plays an important role when it comes to being an American. The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This Amendment protects our rights to be able to have the freedom to express ourselves however we may please. Although, there are a few terms and conditions. The First Amendment does not protect defamation of character, any form of slander, fighting words, and incitement of violence. Personally, this makes sense because if people took the freedom of speech literally, there would be chaos at every corner. I believe that this is the most important one because it emphasizes the fact that what you say and do, protected or not, still represents an individual’s character, moral, and dignity. For example, if I choose to yell explicit language in a public setting, that is a poor reflection on my character. If people saw me act that way, they would not be able to respect me as a decent human being because that just shows that I do not respect myself and do not have enough self dignity if I am letting myself act out like that publicly. These freedoms are given to us as a luxury, it is not a requirement, which is clearly shown in other countries that do not share the same freedoms that we are blessed to live under. It is up to us as a society to choose to use our freedom of speech and expression wisely and to use it for good rather than to diminish our morals and dignity. We as a people should not take advantage of our privileges. 

Freedom of speech and expression will always have its ups and down when it comes to determining whether or not something is protected. Although, the one thing that will never change is that the way we use our freedoms will always have an effect on how we are seen by others, our true character, and how we choose to live our lives as individuals. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Supreme Court - Blog Post #2

    Before reading about the Supreme Court on the Supreme Court created by the History Channel, I will be honest, I did not know a lot of information about what the Supreme Court really does besides being the highest federal court in the United States of America. The most surprising thing that I learned was that when the court finally had its first meeting on February 2, 1790, they did not hear about any cases. This was surprising because I thought hearing about a case would be the first thing the Supreme Court would do because the job focuses on their jurisdiction over all laws. The most important take-away point about the Supreme Court would be how many important cases they have dealt that have helped form the laws that we follow today. One of the cases that really stood out to me was the Texas V. Johnson case which helped the Supreme Court come to a decision that flag burning and potentially offensive speech is a First Amendment protected right. I know that this must have been an extremely difficult decision for them to make, given the fact that they known they will not be able to please everyone with their final decision, which is why I have so much respect for the Supreme Court Justices.  There are also many loop holes when it comes to determining what should and should not be considered free speech that is protected by the First Amendment such as yelling "bomb!" on a plane or using explicit language in public settings.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

My Top 5 Media Sources - Blog Post #1

In today’s society there are a lot more ways to hear about the news. Whether it is on social media, over the radio, or even on national television. Since there are so many different news sources, people often wonder where they should be getting reliable information from. I have listed below my top five favorite media sources where I rely on getting my daily news from. 

Although it may not be one hundred percent accurate all of the time, I tend to get a lot of my daily information and news from one of the world’s most popular apps, TikTok. I would say that I use TikTok on a daily basis and I found out most of my information just by scrolling up and down through the app. I would not consider it a reliable source of information, but it is an easy way to spread the news about a specific topic because it is an easy access news source that most people have on their phones. I would not recommend it because the app only wants to show you what you want to see, hence the “For You Page” that they provide when you first open the app. 

When you want to find information about today’s pop culture, I would say People Magazine is the place to go. I always see this magazine when I am in the store waiting in the checkout line and I cannot help myself to pick up the magazine and start reading. People Magazine focuses on the latest celebrity gossip, which can be a guilty pleasure of mine and I am sure others can relate as well. If you want to find information about your favorite celebrity I would recommend this magazine for entertainment purposes only because I do not consider gossip to be a reliable or credible news source.

Another one of my favorite media sources is NBC News. I would recommend and consider this a reliable source because they state real facts and also use their fair share of opinions. They use videos and  interviews to inform their audiences of breaking news events and information. They also do a good job at being accessible to all audiences by displaying their news online, on national television, and even through social media platforms.

I also like to receive my daily news from Fox News. This media source shares your latest updates by the use of broadcasting on national television. Although they do tend to lean towards the more conservative side, I believe they still provide solid and reliable information that are supported by facts and data. They also cover stories that are happening worldwide to inform their audiences. I recommend this media source because it is reliable and accessible on your phone or television. 

Lastly, my fifth favorite media source is The New York Times. I took a Journalism class my senior year of high school and I absolutely loved it. We worked with The New York Times a lot as a reliable media source. With easy access to their writings online they provide various different topics suited for certain audiences. It is an easy way to find reliable information rather than rummaging through numerous newspapers. I would definitely recommend this source because they solely focus on providing written and factual information rather than broadcasting news on television for entertainment purposes. 

The Effects of Technology - Blog Post #12

          Technology and social media has made a huge impact in my life. From the moment I first downloaded my first social media app, Insta...